The speaker gives his audience time to think, for instance to understand the last sentences. He can combine this with the inevitable breathing break.
If this break is too long, the story gets bored. Is it too short, the listeners can't keep up with him. Who knows to find the middle between short and long has good timing and will captivate his audience for a long time.
A good pace of timing depends on many factors: if the listener also must understand visual information (such as projection slights), he needs more time. This is also when the listener needs to think himself (for example to understand a joke). The dutch comedian Toon Hermans was a star in timing:
silence is nowhere anymore - my house is silent - I look for silent spots
Nowadays people think quicker then in the past. Comedians from decades ago sound slowly and badly timed. Listen to the old fashioned act of Snip en Snap.